keris history
Keris is a weapon dagger stabbing group (pointed and sharp on both sides) with many cultural functions are known in the area of western and central archipelago. The shape is distinctive and easily distinguished from other sharp weapons because it is not symmetrical at the base of the dilated, often tortuous blade, and many of them have the prestige (damascene), which strokes the strands of bright metal blade. Type of stabbing weapon that has similarities with the dagger is badik.
In the past kris serves as a weapon in duels / battles, as well as object complement offerings. In contemporary usage, a dagger is more of a body accessory (ageman) in dressing, has a number of cultural symbols, or becoming a valued collection of objects in terms of aesthetics.
Use of kris spread on area dwellers who never affected by the Majapahit, such as Java, Madura, Nusa Tenggara, Sumatra, Kalimantan coast, part of Sulawesi, the Malay Peninsula, southern Thailand and southern Philippines (Mindanao). Keris Mindanao known as dull. Keris in each region has its own peculiarities in appearance, function, technique filmed, and terminology.
Keris is a weapon dagger stabbing group (pointed and sharp on both sides) with many cultural functions are known in the area of western and central archipelago. The shape is distinctive and easily distinguished from other sharp weapons because it is not symmetrical at the base of the dilated, often tortuous blade, and many of them have the prestige (damascene), which strokes the strands of bright metal blade. Type of stabbing weapon that has similarities with the dagger is badik.
In the past kris serves as a weapon in duels / battles, as well as object complement offerings. In contemporary usage, a dagger is more of a body accessory (ageman) in dressing, has a number of cultural symbols, or becoming a valued collection of objects in terms of aesthetics.
Use of kris spread on area dwellers who never affected by the Majapahit, such as Java, Madura, Nusa Tenggara, Sumatra, Kalimantan coast, part of Sulawesi, the Malay Peninsula, southern Thailand and southern Philippines (Mindanao). Keris Mindanao known as dull. Keris in each region has its own peculiarities in appearance, function, technique filmed, and terminology.
Keris Indonesia has been listed in UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage of Human Non-material since 2005.
The origin and function
The origins of the kris has not been fully explained because there is no source of the descriptive writing about it from before the 15th century, although the mention of the term "dagger" was listed in the inscription from the 9th century AD. Scientific study of keris development based largely on analysis of figures in the reliefs of the temple or statue. Meanwhile, knowledge about the function of the keris is traceable from some of the inscriptions and the reports of foreign explorers to the archipelago.
Beginning: Effect of India-China
Sharp weapon with a form that is believed to be a source of inspiration can be found on the making of keris relics perundagian of Dong Son Culture and southern China. Allegations of influence of Chinese culture in the use of weapons Kuna stab, as the forerunner of the keris, it may enter through the Dong Son culture (Vietnam) which is a "bridge" the influence of Chinese culture to the archipelago. A number of kris offerings today for a human-shaped handle (not distilir like modern kris), together with a dagger Dong Son, and united with the blade.
The attitude of respect for the various metal objects plots can be traced as the influence of India, especially Siwaisme. Inscription Dakuwu (6th century) shows Indian iconography featuring "Wesi aji" like a trident, kudhi, sickle, and kris sombro. Historians generally agree, a dagger from the pre-Singasari known as the "kris Buddha", a short form and not berluk (straight), and is considered as a form of the initial (prototype) kris. Some daggers findings of Dong Son culture has similarities with Buda and kris kris sajen. Keris sajen have the grip of the metal is fused with a keris.
Kris prototypes from pre-Majapahit
The works of sculpture from the first millennium AD calendar showing most forms of stabbing weapons and "Wesi aji" other than India. Nevertheless there is one panel known relief of Borobudur temple (9th century), which shows a person holding a similar object kris.
From the same century, the inscription in 824 AD Karangtengah framed the term "dagger" in a list of equipment. Poh Inscription (904 AD) called the "dagger" as part of the offerings that need to be dedicated. Nevertheless, it is unknown whether the "dagger" that refers to the object as it is known today.
Knaud keris, kris one example of Buda.
In the knowledge of Java keris (padhuwungan), a dagger from the pre-Kadiri-Singasari known as the "kris Buda" or "kris sombro". Kris-kris is not berpamor and simple. Buda kris kris considered a modern form of bodyguards. Examples of forms that are often cited Buda kris is a family owned Knaud obtained from Charles Knaud Batavia, a Dutch enthusiast Javanese mysticism, from Sri Paku Alam V. Keris has epic Ramayana relief figures on the blade surface and lists the number of Saka 1264 (1342 AD), contemporary with the Temple Upgrading, although there are doubts penanggalannya.
Keris Buda has similarity with various picture dagger shape seen in the temples in Java before the 11th century. Dagger of these temples still show the characteristics of weapons India, has not experienced "pemribumian" (indigenization). The existence of various depictions of various "Wesi aji" as a component of the icons of Hindu gods have brought the attitude of respect for the various weapons, including a dagger in the future. Nevertheless, there is no authentic evidence of the evolution of change from India to the keris dagger style of this culture.
Study iconography and style of buildings carved in the Kadiri-Singasari (the 13th century until the 14th) showed a tendency towards India pemribumian from pure Java style, is no exception with a dagger. One of the Shiva statue of Singasari period (early 14th century) held the "Wesi aji" dagger-like, different from the depiction of the past. One of low relief (bas-reliefs) in the temple wall Upgrading also shows the use of similar weapons dagger stab. Upgrading Temple (11 th century until the 13 M) from the end of the kingdom of Kadiri in Blitar, East Java.
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